We find it, You keep it

shop our collection at etsy.com/shop/wefindyoukeep

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Festival Season: Part II Pelzer, South Carolina

Let's keep this party going! A big thank you to the Pelzer Fall Festival for a wonderful day. Lucky for us, the weather was absolutely P E R F E C T.

Kayla- The Vintage Junkie 

The Sweater Trunk

The Pelzer Fall Festival was located at Monkey Park // Pelzer, SC

Glitter Dresses 

The sequin dresses were a big hit! Everyone just loved these shiny, beautiful pieces. Hearing a little girl saying, "Look mommy... A glitter dress" literally made my day. Pure genius: Glitter Dress.  Etsy's Retail Guide for Vendors suggests to bring a few "eye catching" items for display. This will lure customers in.. and that is just what these "glitter dresses" did. 

Happy Customers (makes happy fk girls)

There's no words to describe that feeling when you have a happy customer. Especially when they come back for more! We had a sweet lady buy one of our F A V S- the upholstery bag. Of course, we were a little sad to see this piece go, but to see the pure happiness that this bag brought to her face was heart warming. 

oh. em. gee. 

Look at this hunk in his new member's only jacket!

Those side burns though 

Personal touches on our every gift bag

Again, THANK YOU for supporting us! We are thrilled to be a part of a welcoming community and hope you enjoy your vintage items. If we are in your area, come out and support us... we would LOVE to have you. 

upcoming events...

October 24- Pendleton Fall Festival
November 7- Starr Fall Festival
November 15- Tabbuli White Haute Nights
December 5- Iva Holiday Fair 

Come back next week to see photos from the Pendleton Fall Festival! 

When you find something awesome, keep it. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Festival Season- Part I: JAIL BREAK, CHARLESTON

We are back at it & we are stronger than ever! Sometimes life pulls you back so you are able to launch forward, and that is just what we have done. This weekend was our first festival in two years! TWO YEARS! What?? Where has the time gone? Needless to say, we were both itching with excitement and we killed it. Thank you Jailbreak of Charleston SC for having us and allowing us to be a part of all the talented artists and musicians.

Our booth at Jail Break- Slinging Vintage 

Jail Break was hosted at the Old City Jail on Magazine St. // Downtown Charleston
Brave Baby loves Fkvintage 

Setting up at events like this is one of our FAVS. Especially when there are awesome bands such as BRAVE BABY. Our first sale of the day was to the talented drummer, Ryan. Of course he rocked out and nailed his set, the vintage tourist shirt was an awesome addition to their show.

You know what else makes us JUMP for JOY?
H A P P Y customers. We met some of the coolest people of Charleston & cannot wait to see them rocking our vintage in town. Seriously, we cannot thank you enough. You guys rock, I am thankful for the new friendships.
Look how cute she is
seeing happy faces is what we strive for 
in love with her DRESS

This was the only beginning of our festival season...

Pelzer Fall Festival- October 17
Pendleton Fall Festival- October 24
Tabbuil White Haut Nights- November 5
Starr Fall Festival- November 7 

If you are in the area stop by and see us! Remember we also have daily uploads on our Etsy shop >>> www.etsy.com/shop/wefindyoukeep

When you find something awesome, keep it.