We find it, You keep it

shop our collection at etsy.com/shop/wefindyoukeep

Friday, February 8, 2013

Old clothes, new office

We are growing, and we are growing fast! We have upgraded from a single clothing rack, to a monstrous overstuffed rack, and now to a new office. It has become a fashion lover's heaven; racks upon racks of clothing, jewelry boards covering the walls, shelves full of shoes, and handbags galore! It's amazing to watch our company grow from such a small collection to an extensive variety of one-of-a-kind items. We are ecstatic to share our treasures with everyone around the world!

Here is a sneak peak behind the building of fkv & making magic happen.

fkv: a place where we truly believe that if you find something awesome, keep it.

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